This is a review of "Tongues In Knots" recorded by Yes Boss. The review was written by Richard Garnett in 2006.

Cynically some musical match ups are made around the record company board table, as fat execs clasp their hands together at the thought of the money they’ll make off the back of the novelty value and the combined fan bases' joint spending power. Fortunately Dance to the Radio have neither board table nor fat execs but the thought must have crossed their mind, if only fleetingly at the prospect of getting two of their star acts together on one piece of vinyl. As it is this is no perfect match, the idea hatched between friends must have seemed like a good idea but it’s questionable what Forward Russia’s Tom Woodhead’s bollocks-in-vice vocals actually add to this. Previous single “Indie Kids” set a high bench mark with its clever dry wit, but “Tongues In Knots” is hip hop Rohypnol and even the experiment with strings doesn’t add enough to the mix. Lyrically they still take some beating and how refreshing it is to find a band that don’t spend 3 minutes telling you how good they are. B-side “Don’t Think” is back on familiar territory and will appease those who don’t count themselves as part of the DTTR Club and purely want to enjoy the Boss' skills. Still searching for the killer hook, if a guest vocalist is the way to go about it, the Boss boys might need to search a little further afield than their own backyard.